
October 9, 2020 | « back

“The Unity Project” — Norman Rockwell Museum

James VoteJames supports Norman Rockwell Museum’s “The Unity Project” which calls upon all Americans to uphold democracy by voting. Six leading contemporary illustrators were commissioned by the Museum to create motivational art in the in the Rockwell illustrated art tradition. You can download your favorite image here:

The Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA is now open to visitors. “The Unity Project” images will be on view as part of the Norman Rockwell: Imagining Freedom exhibition starting October 1. #RockTheVote #UnityProject


Vote tattoos — courtesy of @BenjaminTaylorOfficial (Click the photo for a larger look!)

Unity Project artists: Mai Ly Degnan, Rudy Gutierrez, Anita Kunz, Tim O’Brien, Whitney Sherman, and Yuko Shimizu
JT photo: Ellyn Kusmin
