
March 24, 2020 | « back

Supporting the battle against COVID-19

Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA announced today a $1 million donation from Kim and James to help bolster the hospital’s Emergency Preparedness Fund during the ongoing efforts to help battle the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking of their decision, James said:

There is no question that it’s a point of pride for New Englanders to claim the MGH as their hospital – our hospital – and this is especially true today with the threat coming from a new and insidious virus. Kim and I want to be part of this fight. We have been so inspired by the courage and sacrifice of the health care heroes in the trenches who are working so hard to protect us all.

Kim added:

The MGH is a place that is looked to for leadership – clinical, scientific and ethical – in humanity’s fight against the danger that is around us. We are proud to support a medical center that is leading the way on so many fronts.

Both Kim and James have deep ties to Mass General. James’s father, Isaac, earned his medical degree at Harvard, then completed his residency in internal medicine, served as chief resident and conducted research at the MGH – where James was born. Kim has served on the board of the MassGeneral Hospital for Children for the past five years. In 2016, the Taylors performed at a benefit for the MGH Cancer Center, helping to raise $2.6 million.
